“Why Aren’t I on Ritalin, Too?” Tops Children’s Book Bestseller List

The newest runaway hit from children’s book publisher BookScape is the story of a little boy who is the only one in his class who does not take Ritalin or any other prescription medication to treat an attention-deficit disorder. The book has reached the top of the bestseller list only a week after its highly-anticipated release.

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North Carolina Women Leave Plate of Babies on Gov. McCrory’s Doorstep

North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory recently refused to meet with a group of mostly female protestors who were demonstrating outside the governor’s mansion against a new law restricting abortion access across the state. However, he did take a few moments to cross the street and present the protestors with a plate of chocolate chip cookies.

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New Google Search Feature Predicts What Users Are About to Search For

Search giant Google has introduced a feature which pre-emptively provides users with the phrases they were about to search for, often before they have even typed a single letter. The company claims that these predictions are based on the online behavior of users as they visit other websites, which Google monitors in order to obtain what its CEO Eric Schmidt calls “the most helpfully accurate predictive search analytics ever”.

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26-Year-Old Man Finally Decides Which Hogwarts House He’d Like to Be In

“When the first book came out in 1997,” said Bargar, “I was ten, just a year shy of the age when one can start at Hogwarts. I was 21 when the last book came out in 2007. During those eleven years, I read every one of the seven books in the series multiple times, and I’ve seen every movie more than once. But it wasn’t really until the hoopla died down, about three years ago, that I was finally able to concentrate on the Big Question: Which of the four ‘houses’ for students at Hogwarts I’d have wanted to be in.”

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